Peces en Sinfonía (Fishes in Symphony)

by Amr

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The painting is created with acrylics on canvas, allowing for layers and intense colors, achieving strong contrasts and vibrant shades. The brushstrokes vary between well-defined strokes and blurred areas that add texture to the fish. Each fish is detailed with patterns of dots, lines, and solid color areas, which aim to bring rhythm to the artwork. The arrangement of the fish in different directions, with their open and expressive eyes, seeks to convey a sense of life and movement. Some of the fish are depicted in shades of green, blue, and yellow, contrasting with the predominantly red and purple background, aiming to create a sense of depth and dynamism. This chromatic contrast suggests an influence of expressionism, where colors are used not only for representation but also to evoke an emotion in the viewer.

The technique emphasizes the individuality of each fish, while maintaining a unified composition, almost musical in nature, where each shape and color seems to occupy its place in a visual orchestra, all moving in harmony, yet without losing their individuality. The fish, each with unique colors and patterns, evoke the richness of community life, where different beings coexist in a shared space. This symphony of fish could be interpreted as a metaphor for human coexistence: although all are different, they move together, creating a visual melody that reflects harmony and unity.


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