Biography of Gregorio Codagnone

Gregorio Codagnone, born in Florence, Italy, in 1996, lives in Florence where he attends the faculty of Architecture, University of Florence. He has always been fond of Art and its different forms, architectures and all the materials and components of things. Recently he is working iron, creating fascinating sculptures which may assemble and break down with the passing of time: nature which goes back to nature. 

He begins painting in Summer 2016: a spark of colour, lighting up a pretty dreadful period, an element which brings forth its autonomous expression well clear since his first works. They in fact are rich in vital cromatisms which give energy and strength to his paintings. These works show the artist’s capacity to mix sensations and emotions which link different fragmented inner areas so that they can set up a representation. The subsequent work proves the artist’s creativity and lets the observer project his own’s imaginations reciprocally, like an infinite dialogue. 

The artist’s versatile creativity is being enriched by his long journeys, passions, and knowledge of the experienced materials. Therefore, in addition to paintings, the artist approaches items and design. Totally self-educated as regards the use of colours, materials and new techniques, he is inspired, and actually deeply taught, by anything which surrounds him. He can find out vitality among people and nature, with a heartfelt interest in people and things, developing the first particle of his creativity and works. 

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