
Nata a Verona, ha cominciato la sua carriera artistica nel 1973 partecipando a diverse mostre collettive che l'anno posta a contatto con alcune interessanti realtà del periodo che hanno fatto maturare in lei il senso artistico orientato alla natura e alle cose che la circondano. Ora vive e si dedica alla sua attività di pittrice a Bardolino (VR)

painter, Italy The painter Barbara Guidi born in Verona, moved to Milan in 1973, now resides and creates in Bardolino. "My life is immersed in the ocean of art and will bring me to the knowledge of the harbor" Barbara Guidi He attended the Cignaroli Academy: painting, drawing, nude, hyperrealism. He is a member of the Fondazione Verona Art Group for the Arena, successfully participates in various exhibitions and exhibitions In 2017 Carrousel Du Louvre International Art Shopping Exhibition in Paris (France), participates with the Oxygene Gallery - "Paths of Peace and Paths of Awareness" by Alessandra Anca Palel, curator of art "Barbara Guidi chooses to give us a way of escape from the frenetic daily life, with a delicate figurative that invites us to perish and find ourselves among the petals of a flower, in the rustle of the wind, in the salty and floating of the sea, in the blue of the heavens , And in fascinating and dreamy sunsets. Sensitive transposition, reinforced by soft brushstrokes, with soft shades and soft shades, flows into romantic transparencies and radiant brightness, exalting the lyricism of works. A real recall of nature, a sensational immersion where everything whispers tranquility, leads us to union and contemplation. An authentic feeling of freedom invades us and brings us closer to our essence, making contact with our mother and with us. "Alessandra Anca Palel, curator of art

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