Giuseppe Cascella

Count Giuseppe Cascella wrote:

Enrico Demó Nicodemo.

Let art present itself: but what does art and, in particular, Italian painting of the past years have to say, it is necessary to start from a premise: if art is manifest of a feeling and of a consequent action that they are linked, in an almost symbiotic way, to the historical, social and cultural context in which the art itself is produced ("between art and society", and jewels by the great multifaceted great artist Enrico Demó Nicodemo.

The creative vein of Enrico Demó Nicodemo translates into a modern painting, in pure pictorial expression, which recovers tradition in an innovative way, carrying out an original and non-emulative research and study.

We think of closer convergences: to the works of artists, great graphic artists and designers for decoration of clothing fabrics, to their designs for sector posters, to their projects for fashion magazine covers, which can freely, with sincerity, make the fabric. he is the great art in the world, Enrico Demó Nicodemo.

The link between the art of jewelery and contemporary art is much more rooted than one might think.

From materials to references to current events, here is the beauty of contemporary jewelry, possible expressions of contemporary art and not of jewelry.

The contemporary jewel is versatile, multifaceted, hybrid and to fully understand it it is necessary to get rid of many of those characters with which we generally think of rings, necklaces, bracelets and earrings.

The bigger the more astrose, the more the great artist really with a capital l ... the mythical, who also fights in the social field, with many artists who join.

That's who Enrico Demó Nicodemo is.

With esteem journalist rector of the gazettino and of the night of Milan Giuseppe Cascella

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