Fabiana Toffano is present on the edition n. 38 of the publication "Contemporary Art and Artists" with eight of his works.

Publication of the editorial dedicated to the event on PitturiAmo Magazine with a direct link to your PitturiAmo profile - to give you the opportunity to better position your name on Google.

* First classified at the PABLO PICASSO AWARD together with the DIPLOMA HONORIS CAUSA DI MAESTRO D'ARTE, plus First place for Author's Photo, AUTHOR PROFILE with the personal photo, the biography and the inclusion of 12 works of art in the HONOR REGISTER OF ITALIAN ARTISTS IN THE WORLD IN THE ARCHIVE ENCYCLOPEDY in the Historical Archive of the Maison d'Art Academic Center of Padua, Video Art of 12 works with review by art critic dr. Carla d’Aquino.

Certificate of participation in the Dantebus 2020 competition

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