Antonella Ventura

In our society, globalized, jagged by sounds and different languages, where the meaning itself of “different” lost the reason of its value, since emptied of its appeal of distinction, at the expense of uniformity of diversity used only for frame, solely for the purpose of consumerism, well, able to focus on a “subject of art” which still disarms and, at the same time, alarms every artistic logic or reason, is really a news. The subject in question is a man of an age when others, at that age, give a rest, while he still puts his kidneys in the game.Vittorio De Marchi has the air of being a creature of Tim Burton, gothic but with a sweet and lost mood where his hunger for life tells his Art more than his canvas. If communication is the only trace of this artistic era, Vittorio De Marchi scrambles it, tears any rethoric, makes waste of paper with it on his human skin destroyed by others, maybe not so human. Words used to use the hard life of every day, with his hands dipped in the colors, they paint a portrait difficult to replicate and to decode beyond any label. He, who has so many labels attacked to thousand of things “cheap or easy” or just “trash” that he has: thought, created, realized and, above all, finally abandoned. Vittorio De Marchi, leaving any form of plastic or conceptual work of material art, that goes from fashion to painting, focusing only on the last thought, to live each moment as the last, he explained without hidden metaphors, and probably without even being aware, with great lightness, the sublime concept of the value of modern art, expressed by Duchamp's masterpiece at the beginning of the "900". 

Have fun Vittorio

Antonella Ventura. - November 2013

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