
Speaking of the self-idolatism of the versatile artist Acc.Velardiniellano honoris causa Frattese doc Poeta-painter-sculptor-ceramist-singer-songwriter Antonio Cariola, is like comparing it in some respects to those who find themselves in him, for having listened to only one discipline with dignity: the way of the road and to have known only one formation: the education to life, whose patrii lidi there were 8-X-'76 located in via Rossi 110 available at 3343570682, known for being a famous building, without shame say Velardiniellanamente "mason", who then in luck to 3 ribs, is unable to do "heavy" work but does not break-fold-to existential sacrifices, indeed with dignified courage always rises to thank God who is still alive, after that sad episode that has not marked its exponential growth, to say it with Giuseppe Zolfino.

And Teresa D'Amico kept him baptism with his oral poems, almost triggered by his daily "peregrinar" in front of the socio-institutional duties, which want him to grow in that land of "heroic fury" as of great talents in arts and culture sport and spectacle, which always awaits him beautiful and productive things that "fan cassette", not so much for sure gains, but rather for his desire to "grow-emancipate-acquire new comparisons of ideas", here are some of the more poignant poems, which arise from his conscious ego, from his erupting soul, from his convincing heart, from his persuasive love: A TERRA MIA FRATTESE