Luca Federici - contemporary painter

Luca Federici sells paintings online

Luca Federici

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Born in Budrio (Bo) in 1960; He lives in Argenta in the province of Ferrara. From an early age is fond of drawing, painting and plastic techniques, this interest led him to deepen his art studies, first at the Institute of Art in Bologna, course of Decorative Painting, then at the Academy of Fine Arts in Bologna, section Decoration. In the academic field develops the knowledge of various artistic techniques, but especially of photography, engraving and silk-screen printing; the latter technique is dedicated to the thesis which is entitled, "SILK-SCREEN PRINTING: TECHNIQUE AND ART (notes and reflections)", the written dissertation explores, in particular, the work of the artist Andy Warhol, one of the major US Pop Art artists. After completing the studies, the interest in artistic practices is extinguished, however, after a long period of inactivity which lasted almost 30 years, the desire to express oneself is reborn, but today the basic techniques acquired at the time of the Academy are supported, without a doubt , from a more original and mature personality.

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The paintings on sale of the contemporary painter Luca Federici

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